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Nieuwsarchief van afgelopen zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 15:55:36

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377 items gevonden voor 'Tech' in zaterdag     De links 1 t/m 50.

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Europa: Belgie: Lowtechmagazine
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Belgie: Wetenschap: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 23 april 2022 08:26:32)
  • MRNA-technologie in stroomversnelling: maakt ons lichaam straks zelf vaccins aan?

    De succesvolle vaccins tegen het coronavirus hebben het onderzoek naar mRNA-technologie in een stroomversnelling gebracht. De hoop rijst dat we niet alleen virussen, maar ook andere infecties én kanker onder controle kunnen krijgen.

    Tue, 12 Apr 2022 21:00:04 +0200
  • 'Binnenkort zullen we veiliger vliegen dankzij optische glasvezels'

    Vliegtuigen die kunnen voelen wanneer ze beschadigd zijn, net zoals wij kunnen voelen wanneer we pijn hebben. Het klinkt als iets uit een sciencefictionfilm, maar het zal weldra mogelijk zijn dankzij optische glasvezels en 'lichttechnologie'. Sidney Goossens staat voor de Universiteit Van Vlaanderen stil bij de mogelijkheden van glasvezelsensoren.

    Sun, 03 Apr 2022 10:47:04 +0200
    Belgie: Knack.be_Gezondheid: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 23 april 2022 15:13:55)
  • Binnenkort mRNA-vaccins tegen tuberculose?

    Het succes van mRNA-technologie in de strijd tegen covid-19 doet de wetenschap dromen van een gelijkaardig vaccin tegen tuberculose. Zo'n vaccin kan meer dan een miljoen mensenlevens per jaar redden.

    Thu, 21 Apr 2022 08:19:04 +0200
  • Maakt slimme technologie kinderen opvoeden makkelijker?

    De technologische vooruitgang staat niet stil, ook in babyland. Bevat elke geboortelijst terecht enkele slimme gadgets of zijn ouders die het beste voor hun kinderen willen een makkelijke prooi voor gewiekste marketeers?

    Fri, 08 Apr 2022 09:04:04 +0200
    China: - Taiwan: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 26 maart 2022 22:19:51)
  • 光陽攜手哈雷推全新款 柯勝峯:互補互利攻占市場 | Kwang Yang Motor going full throttle with Harley-Davidson SPAC in 2022

    台灣大約有逾1400萬台登記的摩托車,這代表幾乎所有家庭都擁有一、兩台摩托車。多虧這份對摩托車的偏愛、獨特的技術優勢,以及製造業的領導地位,台灣摩托車品牌具有能力成為國際電動摩托車 業的領頭羊。 Taiwan has an estimated 14-million-plus registered scooters, meaning that almost every household owns one or two motorcycles. Thanks to this love of two-wheelers, unique tech advantages, and leadership in manufacturing, Taiwan motorcycle brands are well-positioned to become global leaders in the electric motorcycle industry. 去年年初,光陽受邀成為 LiveWire 策略合作夥伴,並以特殊目的 購公司 (SPAC) 掛牌上市。該公司董事長柯勝峯說:「重點是如何結合光陽與哈雷戴維森的優勢,並 幫助 LiveWire,讓這項合作關係成為雙贏局面,如何 成互補互利?」 At the beginning of […]

    這篇文章 光陽 手哈雷推全新款 柯勝峯:互補互利 占市場 | Kwang Yang Motor going full throttle with Harley-Davidson SPAC in 2022 最早出現於 The China Post, Taiwan

    Thu, 17 Feb 2022 13:00:48 +0000
    Europa: Belgie: Humo [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 16:00:42)
  • Is 5G echt zo gevaarlijk voor onze gezondheid?
    Morgen gaan wereldwijd mensen de straat om te demonstreren tegen de uitrol van 5G. Ook in Brussel staat een protest gepland. De meningen over de technologie voor supersnel mobiel internet lopen, zacht gezegd, nogal uiteen. Van ‘een verhoogd risico op kanker’ en ‘schade aan ons DNA’ tot ‘bangmakerij’. Humo ging te rade bij voor- en tegenstanders. ‘De straling is mogelijk kankerverwekkend, ja. Maar dat is koffie ook.’
    Lees verder

    Fri, 24 Jan 2020 08:00:00 +0100
    Europa: Belgie: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 23 april 2022 14:09:39)
  • Kunnen jouw medische gegevens iemands leven redden?

    Bij sommige patiënten duurt het jaren voor ze de juiste diagnose en een therapie op maat krijgen. Dat is vaak kostbare tijd die verloren gaat, terwijl de oplossing voor het grijpen ligt. Kunnen we al onze kennis en data inzetten om meer mensenlevens te redden? Prof. dr. ir. Liesbet Peeters (UHasselt) zweeft ergens tussen de hoogtechnologische en de hoogmedische wereld en doet er alles aan om die t...

    Sat, 23 Apr 2022 10:50:04 +0200
    Europa: Belgie: Lowtechmagazine [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: Zaterdag 30 Mei 2020, 00:15:08 )
  • Te veel verbranding, te weinig vuur
    De open haard is minstens 400.000 jaar oud, maar blijft tot op de dag van vandaag het meest veelzijdige en duurzame huishoudelijke ‘apparaat’ dat de mens ooit heeft gekend. Illustratie: Diego Marmolejo. Een vuurtje stoken is niet zonder controverse in Belgi of Nederland. Als verwarmingselement hebben de open haard en de houtstoof een belabberd imago: ze worden inefficint en ongezond genoemd. Nochtans heeft het vuur ook belangrijke voordelen: er wordt gebruik gemaakt van een hernieuwbare energiebron en het is klimaatneutraal. Het routineus gebruik van huishoudelijk vuur is minstens 400.000 jaar oud. Gedurende al die tijd was het vuur de...
    22 December 2019, 20:34:55
  • De Neveldouche: Duurzame Decadentie?
    Een dagelijkse douche is moeilijk vol te houden in een wereld zonder fossiele brandstoffen. De neveldouche, een comfortabele maar vergeten technologie die erg weinig water en energie verbruikt, zou een oplossing kunnen zijn. Ontwerper Jonas Grgen ontwikkelde een doe-het-zelf kit waarmee bijna elke douche tot een neveldouche kan worden omgevormd. Lowtech Magazine probeerde ze uit. Hoe duurzaam is de dagelijkse douche? In de discussie over klimaatverandering gaat het meestal om auto’s, vliegtuigen en verwarmingssystemen. De dagelijkse douche komt nauwelijks aan bod, ook al is het een bijzonder verkwistende manier om een basisbehoefte te bevredigen: het wassen van het lichaam....
    26 October 2019, 17:59:51
  • Komt de nachttrein terug?
    In 2014 documenteerde Lowtech Magazine de teloorgang van de Europese nachttrein. Onder invloed van de klimaatmarsen lijkt de neerwaartse trend nu stilaan een halt te worden toegeroepen. In Nederland publiceerde het KennisInstituut voor Mobiliteitsbeleid zopas de studie "Slapend onderweg: potentieel van de internationale nachttrein van en naar Nederland". De studie besluit dat acht bestemmingen op een afstand van 800-1.200 km potentieel hebben voor de exploitatie van nachttreinen. Ook in Frankrijk, Zweden en Zwitserland wint de nachttrein aan belangstelling. Onze zeven jaar oude online gids voor treinreizen in Europa is nog nooit zo vaak geconsulteerd geweest als de afgelopen maanden....
    14 July 2019, 21:17:23
  • De heruitvinding van de kleine windturbine
    De productie van commercieel verkrijgbare kleine windturbines kost vaak meer energie dan de machines tijdens hun levensduur kunnen opwekken. Door kleine windturbines (opnieuw) uit hout te bouwen, kan dit probleem worden aangepakt. Dankzij hun esthetische aantrekkingskracht en de mogelijkheid tot lokale productie verhogen ze bovendien de acceptatie van windenergie. Tot slot vergemakkelijken innovatieve, houten torens de installatie van kleine windturbines. Foto: een windturbine van InnoVentum. Experimenten hebben uitgewezen dat commercieel verkrijgbare, kleine windturbines gedurende hun levensduur niet altijd voldoende elektriciteit opleveren om de energie te compenseren die nodig was voor de productie ervan. Daar zijn drie redenen voor. Ten...
    14 July 2019, 20:13:31
  • Links, updates en evenementen juni 2019
    Lowtech festival tijdens Borgerrio (Antwerpen). Zaterdag 22 juni 2019 van 13:30 " 17:30 in De Roma. 11.11.11, Rooftoptiger, De Roma en Lokaal Cultuurbeleid district Borgerhout hebben een interessant programma opgesteld dat focust op ambachten en het gebruik van duurzame materialen. Utrecht Degrowth Symposium. Het eerste "ontgroeicongres" in Nederland vindt plaats aan de Universiteit Utrecht op vrijdag 28 juni van 13u tot 19u. Economische groei ligt aan de basis van een alsmaar stijgend energie- en grondstoffenverbruik. Op het symposium wordt gezocht naar duurzame alternatieven voor economische groei. "In Defense of Degrowth" is een goede (Engelstalige) introductie tot de ontgroeibeweging. Het e-book is...
    20 June 2019, 21:58:13
    Europa: Belgie: Economie [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 30 september 2023 12:13:56)
  • Belfius vindt overnemer voor verlieslatend seniorenalarm Jane

    Belfius stopt na vier jaar met zijn personenalarmsysteem voor senioren Jane. De verzekeringstak van de groep draagt de verlieslatende activiteit eind dit jaar over aan zorgtechnologiebedrijf Senso2Me, dat de technologie verder zal ontwikkelen.

    Thu, 28 Sep 2023 04:35:17 +0200
    Europa: Duitsland: Der Spiegel [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 15:55:36)
  • Martin Korte über Smartphone-Sucht: »Wir müssen uns aktiv wehren«
    Viele Menschen hängen länger am Smartphone, als ihnen lieb ist – auch dank raffinierter Tricks der Techkonzerne. Ein Neurobiologe erklärt, was unsere Steinzeitprägung damit zu tun hat und wie man sie überwindet.
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 08:58:34 +0200
    Europa: Duitsland: Frankfurter Allgemeine [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 15:05:01)
  • Zugeparkt und abgeschleppt: Was man an der eigenen Einfahrt darf und was nicht

    Wenn überall Parkraum reduziert wird: Einfahrt zugeparkt

    Blockierte Hauseinfahrt: Mit dem Abschleppen von Falschparkern sollte man vorsichtig sein und Verkehrsschilder darf nur das Amt aufstellen. Was es sonst noch zu beachten gilt.

    Sat, 14 Oct 2023 12:45:23 +0200
    Europa: Engeland: The Guardian [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 15:55:32)
  • Russia-Ukraine war live: Ukrainian general says fighting in north-east has ‘significantly worsened’

    Oleksandr Syrskyi said Russian forces had regrouped after suffering losses

    Here’s a roundup of the key developments from the day so far:

    Fighting in Avdiivka on the eastern frontline enters a fifth day, as Russia continues to deploy new forces in an attempt to surround the city, according to Vitaliy Barabash, the head of its military administration.

    Russia’s defence ministry says its forces shot down two Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea near the southern resort city of Sochi on Saturday morning. The city’s mayor, Alexei Kopaigorodskyi, said there had been no casualties or damage and that the situation was under control.

    A top Ukraine general said fighting in the north-east had “significantly worsened” as daily Russian attacks continued.

    Russia has detained three lawyers of the jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny and raided their homes, aides said, a step that comes as pressure on the Kremlin’s critics increases. The move was an attempt to “completely isolate Navalny”, his ally Ivan Zhdanov said on social media.

    The US has claimed North Korea delivered more than 1,000 containers of military equipment and munitions to Russia for the war in Ukraine. The White House national security council spokesperson, John Kirby, said the US believed Kim Jong-un was seeking sophisticated Russian weapon technologies in return for munitions to boost North Korea’s nuclear programme.

    Vladimir Putin dismissed the idea that Russia damaged a gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia and suggested such claims were made up to divert attention from what he said was a western attack on Nord Stream.

    EU leaders meeting later in October will demand “decisive progress” on using Russian assets frozen by sanctions to help Ukraine, according to their draft statement.

    The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, while visiting the Black Sea port of Odesa on Friday, vowed to improve Ukraine’s air defences and to increase the security of a “humanitarian corridor” for grain exports.

    Continue reading...
    Sat, 14 Oct 2023 13:47:02 GMT
  • Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 598 of the invasion

    Fighting on the eastern front is ‘a new Russian offensive’

    See all our Ukraine war coverage

    Fighting in Avdiivka on the eastern frontline enters a fifth day, as Russia continues to deploy new forces in an attempt to surround the city, according to Vitaliy Barabash, the head of its military administration.

    Russia’s defence ministry says its forces shot down two Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea near the southern resort city of Sochi on Saturday morning. The city’s mayor, Alexei Kopaigorodskyi, said there had been no casualties or damage and that the situation was under control.

    A top Ukraine general said fighting in the north-east had “significantly worsened” as daily Russian attacks continued.

    Russia has detained three lawyers of the jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny and raided their homes, aides said, a step that comes as pressure on the Kremlin’s critics increases. The move was an attempt to “completely isolate Navalny”, his ally Ivan Zhdanov said on social media.

    The US has claimed North Korea delivered more than 1,000 containers of military equipment and munitions to Russia for the war in Ukraine. The White House national security council spokesperson, John Kirby, said the US believed Kim Jong-un was seeking sophisticated Russian weapon technologies in return for munitions to boost North Korea’s nuclear programme.

    Vladimir Putin dismissed the idea that Russia damaged a gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia and suggested such claims were made up to divert attention from what he said was a western attack on Nord Stream.

    EU leaders meeting later in October will demand “decisive progress” on using Russian assets frozen by sanctions to help Ukraine, according to their draft statement.

    The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, while visiting the Black Sea port of Odesa on Friday, vowed to improve Ukraine’s air defences and to increase the security of a “humanitarian corridor” for grain exports.

    Continue reading...
    Sat, 14 Oct 2023 11:49:41 GMT
    Europa: Health: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 23 januari 2021 15:16:31)
  • Research Headlines - How our brains share emotions, such as intense fear
    ImageAlthough being stuck in a brain scanner while being exposed to a horror film may not be everyone's idea of fun, monitoring volunteers' grey cells throughout this process can tell scientists a lot. EU-funded research using this and other memorable techniques has generated new knowledge on the way we process and transmit social information.
    Wed, 09 Dec 2020 00:00:00 GMT
  • Health research and innovation - Coronavirus: Advisors provide joint opinion on pandemic preparedness and management
    Today the European Commission’s independent Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (GCSA), the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) and Peter Piot, special advisor to the President Ursula von der Leyen on the response to COVID-19, published a joint opinion.
    Wed, 11 Nov 2020 00:00:00 GMT
    Europa: Press releases: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 23 april 2022 22:10:50)
  • EIOPA finalises the revision of EIOPA’s Guidelines on Contract Boundaries and Guidelines on the Valuation of Technical Provisions

    EIOPA finalises the revision of EIOPA’s Guidelines on Contract Boundaries and Guidelines on the Valuation of Technical Provisions<div class="field field-label-hidden field-name-field-eiopa-body field-type-text-long item-list">

    <div class="field-items">

    <div class="even field-item first last">

    The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published today two Final Reports on the revision of the EIOPA Guidelines on Contract Boundaries and Guidelines on the Valuation of Technical Provisions. EIOPA has identified several divergent practices regarding the valuation of... </div>



    Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:35:27 +0200
  • ESMA postpones the annual calculations of LIS and SSTI for bonds and the quarterly bonds liquidity assessment

    ESMA postpones the annual calculations of LIS and SSTI for bonds and the quarterly bonds liquidity assessment

    Thursday 21 April 2022 10:06

    The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, has decided to postpone the publication of sizes large in scale compared to the standard market size (LIS) and the size specific to the instrument (SSTI) as well as the May quarterly bonds liquidity assessment. The amended regulatory technical standards (RTS 2) and the move to stage 3, will enter into force on 3 May 2022.

    ESMA, to ensure that the transparency calculations at the application date set out in RTS 2 reflect the move to stage 3 in the amended RTS 2 for bonds, will:

    • publish the 2022 annual transparency calculations of LIS and SSTI for bonds on 3 May instead of 30 April under Article 17 of
    • ...

    Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:06:39 +0200
    Europa: Research and Innovation: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 16 januari 2021 23:42:19)
  • Research and Innovation - News Alerts - Research and innovation are essential for EU's prosperity and social model, report says
    The report documents how Europe's economic prosperity and social model rely on its ability to create and disseminate innovation. At the same time, the EU needs to fully embrace emerging innovations and technologies in order to overcome a severe productivity problem and to sustain the current economic growth.
    Tue, 20 Feb 2018 00:00:00 GMT
  • Research and Innovation - News Alerts - Turning solar and bioenergy into electricity: two new technologies will enter commercial demonstration phase thanks to EU loans
    Two first-of-a-kind projects aimed at demonstrating commercially innovative ways of harnessing solar and bioenergy will be built thanks to loans totalling €45 million from the InnovFin Energy Demo Projects (EDP) facility - funded under Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation programme. Successful demonstration will pave the way for future commercialisation of these technologies.
    Wed, 20 Dec 2017 00:00:00 GMT
    Friesland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 23 april 2022 14:23:51)
  • Friesland Holland actief in drie hallen op Boot Düsseldorf 2017!

    Boot is dé vakantiebeurs van Duitsland geworden met elk jaar meer thema’s

    Boot Düsseldorf 2017 is zwaarder bezet en gevarieerder dan ooit.
    DÜSSELDORF (D) – Omdat Boot Düsseldorf (21-29 januari 2017) zich in de loop der jaren meer en meer heeft ontwikkeld naar een brede watervakantiebeurs, nu zó groot is dat de bezoekers niet meer op één dag alle themahallen aan kunnen doen, én omdat de internationale betekenis van de Duitse waterrecreatiebeurs veel groter is geworden, presenteert het bureau voor toerisme Friesland Holland zich in drie hallen.

    Albert Hendriks van Friesland over de nieuwe aanpak: “De sloep is de fiets op het water: iedereen kan er mee op pad dankzij nieuwe technologie en een wereldwijd uniek fijnmazig routenetwerk. Vakantiewoningen, glamptenten aan de oever en hotels aan het water zijn immens populair. Kite- en windsurfen aan de Friese IJsselmeerkust en suppen zijn hot. Fietsers volgen graag vaarroutes als de Elfstedenroute en de Turfroute en steeds meer pleziervaarders nemen fietsen mee aan boord, zoals elektrische vouwfietsen. Dijktoerisme is in. Elektrisch varen neemt snel in populariteit toe. Minder mensen kopen een boot; ze huren ‘m liever. Door de komst van een waterskikabelbaan in Sneek zullen gebruikers belangstelling krijgen voor het echte waterskiën. Friesland heeft alle vormen van waterrecreatie in huis in alle prijsklassen en voor alle leefstijlen. Dat betekent dat je je minder algemeen moet presenteren, maar interessegericht. Daarom heeft Messe Düsseldorf meer themahallen. Sommige hallen zijn zelfs ingedeeld met vier thema’s, zoals hal 4 met electric boating, power boats, sport- en speedboten en duikmateriaal.” Klik hier voor de plattegrond van Boot Düsseldorf in PDF-formaat.

    Thu, 24 Nov 2016 08:53:01 +0000
  • Sterren voor huurboten en charterbases

    Charter Boat Classification

    Logo CBC

    WOLVEGA (NL) – Charter Boat Classification, afgekort CBC. Zo heet het onderdeel van het bureau voor toerisme Friesland Holland dat huurboten gaat classificeren in formaties met één ster tot maximaal vijf sterren. De organisatie begint met het kwalificeren van motorjachten in het topsegment, want daar is volgens directeur Albert Hendriks de meeste onduidelijkheid over wat écht ‘royal class’ of ‘premium class’ is. Naast de techniek en het comfort aan boord worden ook de charterbasis, de geboden veiligheid en services in het beoordelingssysteem opgenomen. Reviews kunnen wel op de nieuwe site geplaatst worden, maar hebben geen invloed op de toekenning van het aantal sterren aan het jacht. De deelname aan de bootclassificatie, die inmiddels is gestart, is vrijwillig.

    Fri, 04 Dec 2015 11:14:43 +0000
    Friesland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 14:57:46)
  • Stoutenburght beste camperplek van Nederland 2023

    Camperplaatsen in Friesland vaak op de eerste plaats Stoutenburght beste camperplek van Nederland 2023  BLESDIJKE (NL) – Wie van De Blesse in de Friese gemeente Weststellingwerf naar het Overijsselse Oldemarkt fietst, komt langs één van de mooiste campercampings van Friesland: Stoutenburght aan de Markeweg in Blesdijke. Deze camperplaats van technicus en doe-het-zelver Anton Koning...

    Het bericht Stoutenburght beste camperplek van Nederland 2023 verscheen eerst op Toeristisch Fries Nieuws.

    Thu, 11 May 2023 09:35:38 +0000
    Friesland: Leeuwarder_Courant Sport: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 09:44:38)
  • Het ontslag van Sjors Ultee laat technisch directeur Etiënne Reijnen niet koud: 'Een nederlaag voor de hele club'

    Etiënne Reijnen erkende dat Sjors Ultee onder moeilijke omstandigheden werkte bij SC Cambuur. Toch zag de technisch directeur geen andere mogelijkheid dan de trainer te ontslaan.

    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 06:15:00 +0100
    Malta: Malta : [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 16:03:14)
  • PM says government will continue to offer best possible care for cardiology patients

    Prime Minister Robert Abela said Saturday Malta has taken positive steps forward in the treatment of patients with heart disease, but there needs to be continued support and investment not only in medical infrastructure, but also in the continuous training of health professionals to take care of patients who require medical interventions from the Department of Cardiology.”

    Abela was addressing a conference organized by the Maltese Heart Society, which featured an array of health professional in attendance, including some internationally renowned surgeons.

    Opening the conference, PM Abela mentioned the investments undertaken towards a number of innovations within the Department of Cardiology that have been financed for the common good through top level care for patients.

    In this regard, he remarked how through investments in cardiology theatres, 3,400 patients received quality care. Additionally, he highlighted that last year, approximately 120 people underwent cardiological interventions in their heart valves without the need for more invasive intervention in the vital human organ. Other interventions at Mater Dei hospital meant that Maltese patients did not need to be sent abroad to receive treatment.

    In this context, the Prime Minister defined health professionals as crucially important links in saving lives on a daily basis; he thus thanked them for their dedicated work. Abela continued to discuss their important role – paired with investments in more modern technology – to effectively address complex situations and contribute to the country’s mortality rate for people with heart disease reducing by 50%.

    Abela said that these statistics should continue improving for the sake of Maltese health, therefore, he spoke in favour of the continuous training of professionals, including nurses and health workers working in the field. He also referenced the “historic” signed collective agreement that is guaranteeing better working conditions for these professionals.

    “We will continue to invest in what provides quality of life and which people and communities enjoy, not least within the health sector that is so important for everyone”, PM Abela said.

    He also discussed other strategic decisions within this field that contribute to better quality of life and general health, such as investment in favour of open spaces and educational campaigns against obesity that are being done through a holistic spirit and are all contributing to the prevention of heart disease, in his own words.


    Sat, 14 Oct 2023 12:29:00 +0100
  • Valletta’s status as a UNESCO World Heritage site is not at risk, government says

    The Ministry for National Heritage said on Friday that Valletta’s status as a UNESCO World Heritage site is not at risk, responding to media reports which were subsequently reproduced on foreign news sites claiming that the capital city’s title is under threat. 

    The Ministry also denied allegations that the Maltese government has failed to carry out the necessary work to preserve this prestigious title.

    “During this legislature, the government appointed a group of experts, including a ‘site manager’ as requested by the Convention, to carry out the work required to draft a ‘management plan,’ as well as other technical reports requested by UNESCO,” a statement read.

    It said that this work, which involved numerous consultation meetings, on-site research, and literature related to the field, is now in the approval stage by national structures before it is submitted to UNESCO.

    “It should be noted that the need for these reports is not unique to Valletta but applies to every site recognized as UNESCO World Heritage. Furthermore, during this year, UNESCO has received a “state of conservation report” and the “periodic reporting” requested, both of which were adopted by the international organization,” it said.

    It is not true that Valletta was, or is, being considered to be delisted as a World Heritage site during the meeting of the World Heritage Committee in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, or at any other time, the Ministry said.

    On the contrary, UNESCO has recognized, among other things, the work carried out on the conservation and restoration of buildings in Valletta over the past years, as well as the technical studies and work done, it said. 

    The recommendations of the World Heritage Committee are public and can be viewed at and

    “The Maltese government maintains open and strong relations with UNESCO and is always willing to carry out any studies, plans, and documentation that are requested to further strengthen the heritage of our capital city,” the Ministry said.

    It added that government takes pride in the status of Valletta and will continue to work to increase awareness and the appreciation of Valletta, as well as to safeguard and enrich the interests of the Maltese population, the community in Valletta in particular.

    Fri, 13 Oct 2023 15:05:00 +0100
  • PM commits to provide best possible education when opening school in Rabat

    400 students will start the school year in a new primary school in Rabat, which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Robert Abela on Friday.

    During his visit to the school, Abela praised the environment and the fully equipped facilities that is needed for students’ education.

    Abela said that this school, along with two others inaugurated this year, are not just places for formal learning but spaces to nurture children’s talents, taking them beyond the basic curriculum. 

    The school in Rabat includes, among other things, art and music classrooms, a multi-sensory room, an indoor gym, and all the resources needed to prepare students for the digital age. 

    By 2024, Abela said that more projects of this kind will be completed, pledging efforts to strengthen the economy and ensure that the country's children have a bright future. 

    The Ministry for Education has also received a budget of €847 million for this year, a statement read.

    The new school in Rabat, with its 33 classrooms, was created with an investment of €3.5 million. 

    Abela expressed government's commitment to providing the best possible education so that everyone can reach their potential, and encouraged students to challenge the status quo, foster innovation, and use new technologies to shape Malta's future. 

    Abela also had a discussion with sixth-grade students on various topics, including community welfare, the environment, and their aspirations. 

    Education Minister Clifton Grima said that the investment in Rabat Primary School has transformed it into a state-of-the-art institution, designed to meet all the necessary requirements. 

    He said that these projects are regenerating the education sector, and that the investment in the education sector is unprecedented. 

    Grima said that this is a state-of-the-art project, ensuring that the students in this school have the best environment to receive the best education possible. 

    Present at the inauguration were Permanent Secretary Matthew Vella, Principal of St. Nicholas College Josephine Mifsud, and School Head Dorita Maniscalco.

    Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:50:00 +0100
  • Live updates: Number of people displaced in Gaza rises to 423,000

    The Israeli military prepared for a possible ground invasion in Gaza on Thursday as it pounded the tiny coastal strip in retaliation for the unprecedented weekend attack on Israel by the militant group Hamas.

    In a deliberate show of support for Israel, a U.S. official confirmed that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin plans to visit on Friday, a day after Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Israel to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Suffering in Gaza, meanwhile, rose dramatically with Palestinians desperate for food, fuel and medicine and the territory’s only power plant shut down for lack of fuel. The morgue at Gaza’s biggest hospital overflowed Thursday as bodies came in faster than relatives could claim them.

    Israel said Thursday that a complete siege would remain in place until Hamas freed 150 hostages taken during its incursion. Egypt has engaged in intensive talks with Israel and the United States to allow the delivery of aid and fuel through its Rafah crossing point, which remained closed on both sides Thursday.

    The war has claimed at least 2,800 lives on both sides, and displaced 423,000 people in Gaza.

    Here's what's happening on Day 7 of the latest Israel-Hamas war:

    Israel’s military ordered hundreds of thousands of civilians living in Gaza City to evacuate Friday ahead of a feared Israel ground offensive. The directive came on the heels of what the United Nations said was a warning they received from Israel to evacuate 1.1 million people living in northern Gaza within 24 hours.

    Suffering in Gaza has been rising dramatically with Palestinians desperate for food, fuel and medicine and the territory’s only power plant shut down for lack of fuel. The morgue at Gaza’s biggest hospital overflowed as bodies came in faster than relatives could claim them.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin visited Israel on Friday, a day after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Israel to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    The war has claimed at least 2,800 lives on both sides since Hamas launched an incursion on Oct. 7.

    Here's what's happening on Day 7 of the latest Israel-Hamas war:


    SEOUL, South Korea — A South Korean military plane evacuating 220 South Korean and other Asian nationals from Israel has departed Tel Aviv and was expected to land in South Korea later Saturday, Seoul’s Foreign Ministry said.

    The people transported on the KC-330 military transport plane included 163 South Koreans, 51 Japanese nationals and six Singaporean nationals, the ministry said.

    South Korea had also sent a civilian plane earlier this week to evacuate 192 South Korean nationals. About 470 South Koreans remain in Israel, most of them long-term residents who have chosen to stay.

    No South Korean casualties have so far been reported from the violence in Israel and Gaza.


    The Palestinian Health Ministry reported 16 Palestinians killed Friday in the occupied West Bank, bringing to 51 the total number of West Bank Palestinians killed since Hamas waged its brutal assault on Israel last Saturday.

    The United Nations says attacks by Israeli settlers have surged there since the Hamas assault.


    UNITED NATIONS — Relatives of Israelis abducted during Hamas militants’ attack last weekend pleaded at the U.N. on Friday for the world’s help getting their loved ones home.

    Speaking by video from Israel, Yoni Asher told diplomats at an Israel-organized event that he hasn’t slept or eaten since his wife and two small daughters vanished Saturday while visiting his mother-in-law in the country’s south.

    His wife called to tell him that they were locked in a safe room after people came into the house and she heard gunshots, Asher said. He said he later saw a video of his wife and daughters, who are under 5 and 3, being loaded into a vehicle, and he tracked his wife’s phone to Gaza.

    “I don’t know if I got any more tears left,” he said. “I’m exhausted, and I just want to approach whoever can hear me in the international community. Please bring back my baby girls.”

    Hamas fighters took 150 hostages during Saturday’s surprise assault. Alana Zeitchik said a half-dozen of her cousins were snatched from a kibbutz. They were known to be alive as of Friday morning, she said.

    “We don’t want more bombs or rockets or blood or tears,” said Zeitchik, who lives in New York. “We want our family back immediately. And we want peace.”


    WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden said Friday that it’s a priority of his administration to address the unfolding humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

    Speaking at an event in Philadelphia to promote a $7 billion program to kickstart development and production of hydrogen fuel in the U.S., Biden paused to note the deteriorating situation for Palestinians as Israel continues to bombard the strip in retaliation for last weekend’s attacks on Israel.

    Biden said he’s directed his team to work with the governments in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and other Arab nations and the United Nations to surge humanitarian relief to those impacted by the war.

    “We can’t lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do Hamas,” Biden said. “And they’re suffering as a result as well.”

    Biden again lashed out at Hamas, saying the militant group in control of Gaza makes the terrorist group Al-Qaida “look pure.”


    JERUSALEM — The Israeli military has announced that an Israeli drone is currently striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon.


    ALMA Al-SHAAB, Lebanon — An Israeli shell has landed in a gathering of international journalists covering clashes on the border in south Lebanon, killing one and leaving six injured.

    An Associated Press photographer at the scene saw the body of the dead journalist and the six who were wounded. Some of them were rushed to hospitals in ambulances. One nearby car was charred.

    Al-Jazeera identified two of its employees among the wounded. The Lebanon-Israel border has been witnessing sporadic acts of violence since Saturday’s attack by the militant Palestinian group Hamas on southern Israel.


    JERUSALEM — The Israeli military says for the first time that ground troops have been operating inside the Gaza Strip.

    In a statement Friday, the army said troops had entered Gaza to battle militants, destroy weapons and search for evidence about the missing hostages held by Hamas.

    The announcement did not appear to be the beginning of an expected ground invasion of Gaza. Israel has been massing troops along the Gaza border since last Saturday’s deadly incursion by Hamas militants.


    WASHINGTON — The White House hosted a virtual conversation on Friday with family members of 14 Americans who are unaccounted for after the Hamas attacks on Israel.

    President Joe Biden addressed the families. Other participants included Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser; Roger Carstens, hostage affairs special envoy; John Bass, undersecretary of state; and Brett McGurk, National Security Council coordinator for the Middle East.


    CAIRO — In a statement Friday, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry condemned the Israeli army’s decision to tell some 1 million people in Gaza to evacuate toward the southern part of the besieged territory.

    It said the move “constitutes a grave violation of the rules of international humanitarian law, and will expose the lives of more than a million Palestinian citizens and their families to the dangers of remaining in the open without shelter.”

    The evacuation order comes ahead of an expected ground invasion, hiking fears of a massive influx of refugees across the heavily fortified border into its territory.

    In the statement, Egypt called on the United Nations Security Council, which is scheduled to meet Friday, to stop the evacuation.


    UNITED NATIONS — The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations says his people’s mass exit from northern Gaza under Israeli military orders may compare to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians amid the 1948 war surrounding Israel’s creation — an event that Palestinians call the “nakba,” or catastrophe.

    Ambassador Riyad Mansour called the current flight “potentially a second nakba" as he spoke to reporters at U.N. headquarters Friday before a meeting of Arab countries’ ambassadors.

    The Israeli military told people to leave northern Gaza ahead of an expected ground invasion against the Hamas militants who launched an assault on southern Israel last weekend. While the evacuation order involves the northern part of the territory, Mansour said “there is no place in Gaza that is safe.”

    He called for a ceasefire to allow food, medicine and water into the territory.


    LONDON — Human Rights Watch has called on Israel to stop using munitions containing white phosphorus in the Gaza Strip after verifying video and witness accounts of these “indiscriminate” incendiary weapons being used in densely populated areas.

    White phosphorus catches fire spontaneously when it comes in contact with oxygen, releasing toxic fumes and generating temperatures of up to 815 degrees Celsius (1,500 Fahrenheit). Because it continues to burn until all of the material is used up or it is smothered, white phosphorus exposure can leave victims with permanent disabilities, scarring and chronic pain.

    “The issue is that white phosphorus is indiscriminate,’’ Yasmine Ahmed, the U.K. director of Human Rights Watch, said Friday. “It is used in a way that it cannot distinguish between a civilian population and a military target … particularly in the context of a densely populated area.”

    The Israeli Defense Force has denied using white phosphorus as a weapon in Gaza.


    UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council is set to meet behind closed doors Friday afternoon to discuss the Israel-Hamas war as Palestinians stream out of northern Gaza on orders from the Israeli military.

    Friday’s council meeting was scheduled before the evacuation order was issued and added still more urgency to the discussion. The U.N. has said the order affects 1.1 million people, about half Gaza’s population, and could turn an already dire humanitarian crisis into a calamity.

    The council emerged without any collective message or action from another closed-door meeting Sunday on the Israel-Hamas fighting. At that meeting, the United States pressed unsuccessfully for a strong condemnation of Hamas from all 15 members of the U.N.’s most powerful body, where divisions have sharpened amid Russia’s war in Ukraine.


    NICOSIA, Cyprus — Cypriot authorities say they’re gearing up to host significant numbers of third-country evacuees from Israel as the first 268 foreign nationals have used Cyprus as a waystation for their repatriation.

    Cyprus Foreign Ministry spokesman Theodoros Gotsis said Friday most of the people were Portuguese citizens flown out on Portuguese Air Force C-130 transport aircraft on three flights. Others among them included Austrians and Spaniards.

    Gotsis said cruise ships are also ferrying foreign nationals including Germans out of Israel. The arrival of Danish and British citizens is expected later Friday.

    Cyprus has set aside temporary accommodations for evacuees until they can be repatriated.


    JERUSALEM — Israel’s military on Friday ordered the evacuation of northern Gaza, a region that is home to 1.1 million people, within 24 hours, a United Nations spokesperson said.

    The order, delivered to the U.N., comes as Israel presses an offensive against Hamas militants. U.N. spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said the evacuation would be “impossible” without “devastating humanitarian consequences.”

    This could signal an impending ground offensive, though the Israeli military has not yet confirmed such an appeal. On Thursday, it said that while it was preparing, a decision had not yet been made.


    NEW DELHI — India’s first chartered flight brought over 200 Indian nationals back home from Tel Aviv on Friday, nearly a week after the latest Israel-Hamas war erupted.

    "Everyone is scared. We have no idea what would happen there. We had to move to shelters when there were missile attacks. This was not normal,” said Deepak Sharma, a 20-year-old student who was studying physics at a college in north Israel.

    There are about 18,000 Indian citizens living in Israel, a small percentage of them students, according to India’s External Affairs Ministry. Nearly one-third of them have registered with the Indian embassy ready to fly back home.

    New Delhi has not heard of any Indian casualties since Hamas launched its Oct. 7 incursion, the ministry said.


    JERUSALEM — The number of people forced from their homes by the airstrikes soared 25% in a day, reaching 423,000 out of a population of 2.3 million, the United Nations said Thursday. Most crowded into U.N.-run schools.

    Families were cutting down to one meal a day, said Rami Swailem, a 34-year-old lecturer at al-Azhar University, who had 32 relatives sheltering in his home. Water stopped coming to the building two days ago, and they have rationed what’s left in a tank on the roof.

    The death toll from Israeli strikes on Gaza rose to 1,537, with 6,612 people wounded, the Gaza-based Health Ministry said Thursday. Of those killed, 500 were under the age of 18, the ministry said.

    Palestinians were reporting heavy Israeli airstrikes across the besieged Gaza Strip, with bombardment on residential buildings in densely populated city districts and refugee camps.


    KATHMANDU, Nepal — More than 200 Nepali nationals evacuated from Israel returned home Friday as the government worked to bring back the bodies of 10 Nepali students killed in the unprecedented attack by Hamas.

    Nepal’s foreign minister, Narayan Prasad Saud, accompanied 254 citizens on a plane chartered by the government. The returnees were welcomed home by family and friends at Kathmandu airport.

    In addition to those killed, four Nepalis were wounded and one is still missing, Saud said. One of the wounded was flown back in the evacuation flight and three others were getting treated at hospitals in Israel, Saud said.

    He said 54 Nepali nationals still in Israel have been moved to safer areas and will be evacuated eventually. Many Nepalis in Israel are students studying agriculture techniques.


    BEIRUT — Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossein Amirabdollahian said Thursday that if Israel’s bombardment of Gaza continues, the war may open on “other fronts,” an apparent reference to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

    Amirabdollahian arrived in Beirut late Thursday evening, where he was greeted by representatives of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad along with Lebanese officials.

    “In light of the continued aggression, war crimes, and siege on Gaza, opening other fronts is a real possibility,” Amirabdollahian said, speaking to journalists on his arrival.

    Early Thursday, Amirabdollahian had visited Iraq, where he made similar statements after a meeting with Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.

    Questions have swirled around the extent of Iran’s role in the unprecedented surprise attack launched by the Palestinian militant group Hamas on Israel on Saturday.

    Hamas officials have denied that Iran was directly involved in planning the attack or green-lighted it, and to date no government worldwide has offered direct evidence that Iran orchestrated the attack. However, many have pointed to Iran’s long sponsorship of Hamas that has included training, funding and providing it with weapons.


    BRUSSELS — European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will travel to Israel on Friday to express support for the nation in the wake of last weekend’s attack by Hamas.

    Von der Leyen will be accompanied by European Parliament president Roberta Metsola, the commission said in a statement late Thursday. Von der Leyen has been one of the most outspoken European Union leaders in support of Israel since the attacks and the subsequent war with Hamas.


    BEIRUT — The militant Hezbollah group sent a drone over Israel on Thursday, according to an official with a Lebanese group familiar with the situation along the Lebanon-Israel border.

    The drone was shot down over Israel, the official said, without elaborating further. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to comment to the news media.

    An Israeli military spokesman wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, Thursday afternoon that an air-defense missile was fired in northern Israel but it turned out there was no target in the air.


    Associated Press writer Bassem Mroue contributed to this report.


    BOSTON — Internet connectivity in Gaza City has been below 20% since Tuesday, according to analyst Doug Madory of the network monitoring firm Kentik Inc., whose data shows outages began Saturday morning.

    Madory said an internet provider in Gaza told him that Israeli air strikes had cut fiber optic cables. The provider declined to speak with an Associated Press reporter but Madory relayed his message: “Pray for us to stay alive and stop this war.”


    WASHINGTON — The U.S. and Qatar have agreed not to act on any Iranian request to access $6 billion in funds that were transferred from South Korea after a blanket waiver by President Joe Biden's administration meant to clear the way for the release of five Americans held by Iran, a U.S. official said Thursday.

    The move stops short of freezing the funds. Under the terms of the agreement, the funds must be requested by Iran and can go only for humanitarian purposes. The Americans were released last month.

    The official was not authorized to speak publicly about the agreement and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

    The funding has been a concern as questions mount about Iran’s influence or role in the Hamas attack on Israel. Iran is Hamas' principal financial and military sponsor, though the White House says it has not uncovered information that Iran was directly involved in the operation.


    Associated Press Writer Matthew Lee contributed to this report.


    TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s Foreign Ministry is warning Israelis abroad to avoid demonstrations said to have been called for by Hamas in cities around the world, saying they could become violent.

    In a joint statement with Israel’s National Security Council, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday that there is a concern that Israelis or Jews could be targeted during the protests. The ministry statement said protests are expected on Friday and urged Israelis to be cautious.


    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — The Israeli military bombarded a residential building in the densely populated Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza on Thursday, killing at least 45 people and injuring dozens more, Gaza’s interior ministry said.

    A late-afternoon airstrike hit the al-Shihab family house at the center of the Jabaliya camp, interior ministry spokesperson Eyad Bozum told The Associated Press. The al-Shihab house was packed with dozens of relatives at the time of the airstrike, Bozum said. Some family members had fled heavy bombing from other parts of the Gaza Strip and taken refuge there

    Bozum said the death toll was likely to rise from that airstrike as civil defense workers were still pulling bodies from the rubble and counting the dead.

    The Israeli military did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the strike.


    JERUSALEM — A Palestinian armed with an improvised submachine gun opened fire toward police officers at one of the entrances to Jerusalem’s Old City, wounding two officers, including one seriously. Police said they chased and shot the assailant, whose condition was not immediately clear.

    Tensions have been running high in Jerusalem, with most shops closed since the Hamas attack and Palestinian protests in East Jerusalem at night that have devolved into deadly clashes with police.

    Fri, 13 Oct 2023 07:07:00 +0100
    Nederland: Algemeen_Dagblad Wetenschap: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 16:00:44)
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    Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:09:05 GMT
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    Nederland: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 14 oktober 2023 15:04:41)
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    Veranderingen in maatschappelijke zin of in de bedrijfsvoering hebben in de technologie gedreven samenleving een grote impact op de bedrijfscultuur en bedrijfsprocessen. De mens is van nature niet veranderingsgezind. It-ondernemingen, voor wie veranderen gezien de behoefte...
    Thu, 12 Oct 2023 11:55:00 CEST
  • Quantum-genie Hendrickx 'nieuwe Christiaan Huygens’
    Nico Willem Hendrickx, toponderzoeker op gebied van quantum-technologie, is onderscheiden met de Christiaan Huygens wetenschapsprijs voor natuurkunde. De Groninger kreeg deze prijs voor het proefschrift ‘Qubit arrays in germanium’ waarop hij in 2021 promoveerde aan de...
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 20:00:00 CEST
  • Minder budget? Zo zet je technologie strategisch in
    Het budget van de ciso is in de loop der jaren consistent gegroeid én meegegroeid met de perceptie van risico’s en de kosten van controles. In het huidige macro-economische klimaat is de toename van verschillende beschermende...
    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 17:23:00 CEST
  • High-techsector Israël naar slagveld
    De techwereld gaat heel snel de impact voelen van de volledige belegering van de Gazastrook. Het Israëlische leger heeft honderdduizenden reservisten opgeroepen waarvan er velen werken in de tech-sector zowel binnen- als buitenland.
    Tue, 10 Oct 2023 17:10:00 CEST
    Nederland: Computeridee: [ Geolocation ]   (Laatste update: zaterdag 23 april 2022 17:44:33)
  • LEGO-avonturen met prinses Peach boordevol techniek
    Na Mario en Luigi is het nu aan prinses Peach om in een eigen LEGO-set te schitteren, en ook deze Avonturen met Peach-startset zit weer boordevol techniek.
    Thu, 21 Apr 2022 10:00:00 +0200
  • Logitech Lift is een verticale, ergonomische muis
    Logitech kondigt de Lift aan. Dit is een verticale, ergonomische muis die beschikbaar is in drie kleuren. Er is ook een linkshandige variant beschikbaar.
    Wed, 20 Apr 2022 09:17:42 +0200

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    _xs4all_ posted a photo:
    Bogie Line II
    impressions @ siding track

    Bogie Line (side view):   Published: 2024-06-16 - 18:48:37

    _xs4all_ posted a photo:
    impressions @ main track   Published: 2024-06-16 - 09:42:10

    Giantnerdguy posted a photo:
      Published: 2024-06-16 - 05:01:23

    _xs4all_ posted a photo:
    impressions @ siding track   Published: 2024-06-15 - 19:10:40

    celltophone802 posted a video:
    Tom and Jerry cartoon engraved camera protected mobile back cover
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    _xs4all_ posted a photo:
    Stadt Plettenberg
    impressions @ siding track   Published: 2024-06-15 - 10:33:57

    Tech Welo posted a photo:
    SSIS 950
    At its core, SSIS 950 is a formidable asset within the SQL Server suite, engineered to facilitate seamless data integration and transformation. This powerhouse enables businesses to extract, change, and load data from different sources into a unified ecosystem, fostering a cohesive data environment conducive to informed decision-making.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 08:35:58

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:12

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:22

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:31

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:16

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:29

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:23

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:31

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:28

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:12

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:20

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:24

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:14

    thekenyeung posted a photo:
    Microsoft Build 2024
    Photos from Microsoft's Build developer conference in Seattle, Washington.   Published: 2024-06-15 - 07:21:23

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